Blog Posts in Tips and DIY

It’s fireplace season again - that time of year when cold, damp weather and holiday tradition makes you want to cozy up next to a warm, wood burning fire. After you’ve had your fireplace inspected and swept you’re ready, right? Wrong. It’s time to clean your dingy, dusty, soot-covered fireplace...Continue Reading

Sure, your sliding glass door may be an attractive entryway, but just how efficient is it? It should come as no surprise that sliding patio doors can be a major source of heat loss in a home. If not sufficiently insulated, sliding glass doors can make a room drafty or downright cold. This is...Continue Reading

Answer: No. While it may be tempting to quickly thaw out your windshield with hot water, it’s a very bad idea. Rapid temperature changes in glass can cause it to crack, and automotive glass is no exception.

However, there are easier ways...Continue Reading

Cleaning the shower is an obnoxious but necessary chore if you want the tiles and glass to sparkle. One of the most dreaded aspects of cleaning a shower is removing limescale from the door. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to make this easier.

To get a better idea of how to...Continue Reading

Having difficulty with road visibility due to grease and grime? It's time for a windshield cleaning – it'll guarantee a clear view at all times.

Cleaning the interior of your windshield every couple of weeks can eliminate dirt, smudges, and residue, enhancing road visibility and reducing...Continue Reading

Glass gets scratched — it’s a simple fact of life. Thankfully, you may be able to fix those scratches without having to replace the pane.

If you’re dealing with tempered glass, such as a shower door, ...Continue Reading

Do you long for spotless windows? The glass may be pristine on the interior, but it is likely that rain and snow have left hard water spots on the exterior.

Fortunately, you can remove these without too much difficulty and have your windows shining brightly in no time.

Learn how...Continue Reading

We understand that dealing with a frosted and fogged-up windshield isn’t a fun way to start the day, especially if you're on your way to work. Fortunately, your local Glass Doctor has a few tips on how to fight that fog and frost so you can get on to better things.

Learn how to defrost...Continue Reading

Save much-needed time – not to mention your sanity – with these cleaning hacks that take advantage of everyday items to tackle your home’s toughest glass cleaning needs.

Put these tried-and-true glass cleaning hacks to the test